What I'm doing to fight my MS

The following are things that I am trying out to help my MS:

Whole Nutrition 

There is little proven research about diet and nutrition and how it benefits MS, but I focus on whole food in my diet and supplements to fill the gaps. It can't hurt to give my body the best odds in fighting MS if I can.  

I started following the Wahl's Protocol which was created by Dr. Terry Wahl's. She is a functional medicine doctor who has MS herself. I used to ignore all the claims for this protocol a few years ago because they made claims that it "cured MS." That offended me and I thought it was too hard to manage. 

I was wrong. Wahl's is great. It gives me more energy and I now see why they made such claims, but I think it does give back strength to MS patients. It's actually very simple for me. Because there are categories and it's broken down into cup minimums etc. I find it satisfying to say I ate 9 cups of veggies every day!

Beachbody Shakeology

I have compared all the protein meal replacements I could and found Beachbody's Shakeology to have more phytonutrients and the least sugar I could find. Shakeology is pricey, I'll admit, and this scared me away in the past. But, it took suffering 6 different infections caused by the immunosuppressant meds I have to take for MS to convince me I have to focus on better nutrition. Shakeology is delicious and the Beachbody programs that come with it are really fun.

Image result for Shakeology for MS


Biofeedback is done usually in a psychologists office. They measure heart rate breath rate and body temperature and train you to control these things in your body through breathing strategies.

Walking in bare feet in grass or ground can be relaxing, but there is also research that says our bodies benefit from the connection with the earth.


I have been getting acupuncture treatments for my MS for several months. I have felt improvements immediately after treatments, but for something like MS, the benefit is more long term with acupuncture.

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