Who says you have to walk before you can run? Not me, anymore.
My new doctor actually asked me if I am an athlete because of my resting heart rate! With my cane in hand, I proudly answered yes? half expecting him to wonder how I can run 10 miles, but need a cane to walk. He didn’t! He’s the 2nd Dr to tell me it makes perfect sense since the ability of walking and running have different cadences.
The first doctor who gave me more confidence in keeping up the running was my physical therapist. I sheepishly admitted to her when she asked if I do any exercise that I like to run and do it occasionally. Even though I was running some, I didn't understand how it is possible to run better than I walk and I worried other people wouldn't understand either.
MS is virtually an invisible disability and it's already difficult to help people other than doctors understand what's going on. The doctors can see the many lesions on my brain MRIs and are trained to pick up on the subtle symptoms, but I never asked until recently if I could still run. I mean, I walk with a cane often. Yet, I secretly enjoyed getting out there on the trails. I thought that if I asked that someone would tell me I couldn't run anymore. When I've had so many issues with my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms, running has been a way to release the overwhelming stress a lifelong disease puts on me.
I feel the most normal when I'm running. I don't feel like people are staring at me like I do when I'm walking crookedly. When I walk, the floor seems to jump up on me so to say. It's like I'm in a carnival fun house all the time. Because of this and other symptoms, it takes a lot more energy to seem normal. When I run, this isn't true for me.
My physical therapist explained why this may be so. First of all my vision problems due to MS are mainly why I walk crooked. I have damage to my optic nerves that cause my vision to shake. Some of the technical symptoms are called Nystagmus and Marcus Gunn Pupil. Nystagmus means my eyes shake left and right. This makes it difficult to read text. I have to use a bookmark or my finger to keep my place reading and even then my eyes get fatigued if I am reading lines of text wider than a newspaper column. Marcus Gunn Pupil means one of my pupils will stay larger or smaller than the other. It is slower to respond to light like the other one. It can really mess with how I see. Also my pt told me that when I run, I'm giving one foot more time to adjust and go straight before the other foot lands and I'm jumping around too, so if it's crooked, then it's not as noticeable.
I was thrilled to hear this as I've always loved running. I've run 7 half marathons and some smaller races before I was diagnosed. Now I feel like I'm doing something to counter what MS is doing to my body. There’s some research that says Multiple Sclerosis can be helped by vigorous exercise, but I only know how it makes me feel and that’s enough for me.
I started training for the Army Ten Miler after getting the encouragement that what I'm doing is good for me. I will be running tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Oh, as you can see, I'm running as Blonde Wonderwoman, of course!
#multiplesclerosis #multiplesclerosisfighter #invisibledisease#armytenmiler2018
In What Universe is Wonder Woman Blonde?
I was on NBC Dateline after helping expand the medical cannabis law in Virginia! Click here to watch.
It's one little step to medical choice freedom for which I am grateful...
My application is in. That's it. It's kind of an anticlimactic moment. I've dreamed of this moment being a little more dramatic. However, I think it's just the way medical freedom should be. Simple. It was as simple as a patient needing medicine and her having legal access to it without worry. I took my certificate in to my doctor having all my arguments running in my head expecting he would give me push back. Nope. He said, "ok" and signed it. Once I had the certificate, I was still planning for and expecting a very complicated process to apply for the new Virginia medical cannabis program. Nope. A few clicks on the computer, they took my payment and that was it. My application is in. Now I only need to give a little wait and see what happens from here. I went through a lot to even have the freedom of registering and so many people have been working so hard before me, but it was so easy to apply that it adds to the absurdity of why cannabis is illegal.
I joined the fight for legal cannabis in January 2018. Somehow one thing led to another and I found myself testifying in front of the General Assembly in Virginia to allow CBD oil for MS patients and all other illnesses beyond the current legal restrictions for only Epilepsy. And then I testified again which was only my small part that led to a majority Republican Virginia General Assembly to vote unanimously in favor for the law change.
When I discovered CBD oil gave me relief for my chronic pain from MS, I was out of options. Nothing before it touched my charlie horse like muscle cramps up and down my arms I had 24/7. I wanted to know more about how the CBD worked. In my research, I discovered the controversy that not all CBD oils are created the same. It was not clear whether it is legal in every state. My curiosity led me to look up Virginia law to find that CBD Oil was legal, (yay!) but only for Epilepsy. It made me want to understand why it would only be allowed for one brain related disease and not another like MS. I felt a sense of betrayal and anger that the one thing that works in giving me quality of life was considered to be okay for only one illness.
I wanted to actually meet the people who fought for CBD oil to be legal in Virginia for Epilepsy to begin with! There was a new bill to expand the allowance to all other illnesses based on a patient's doctor. I told my story to committee members and the law was unanimously passed. There are so many people involved in this effort, I cannot take much credit for it passing. I am happy that I was able to do my small part to make it happen.
So I finally am at least registered to have the CBD and THCa oil in possession. I don't take this freedom lightly. I am thankful for this and will continue to seek more potential for cannabis helping myself and others.
I do believe there needs to be research into the benefits of more than CBD in the cannabis plant. I have hope that THC or one of the other hundreds of chemicals in cannabis may benefit my MS more, so I will continue to fight the injustice that this medicinal plant has been kept illegal because of petty political reasons and no research to back the claims that it is harmful.
If you would like to know more about registering for the newly opened Virginia Medical Cannabis program please visit https://www.license.dhp.
You don't smoke your spinach for the health benefits, I won't judge you, though, if you do, so stop thinking medicinal cannabis means we all are Pot Smokers! What I Wish People Would Learn About Medical Cannabis
I've learned to start most discussions about my experience with medical cannabis with these words, "First of all, I don't smoke it." I've gotten into lengthy discussions advocating for legal medical cannabis feeling the tension in the conversation until I clarify that I take cannabis oils sublingually (under my tongue). Once I say this, usually there is a moment of relief from the other person who seems to listen more openly about what I have to say.
Funny how the method of delivery of cannabis makes that much difference to the others when smoking tobacco for the addictive nicotine doesn't put people in this much alarm. They wouldn't have the same objection if I said I smoke tobacco. Strange. But, I will not doubt those patients who seem to get the most benefit from smoking cannabis. There are people in which this is the case. Just please know that it's not the best way to take it for medical purposes.
Cannabis as a medicine is not always smoking it; MANY people don't know this about medical cannabis. There is growing research that smoking cannabis does not have same harm as smoking tobacco, but do understand that people learn new info through building on what they already know.
So, I have to meet them where they are now. If they are strongly opposed to smoking tobacco, then smoking anything else must be bad too. However, there are oils and other ways to consume cannabis which can give different types of relief. Many people try smoking cannabis and because they don't get the relief they seek, they think it doesn't work for them and then give up.
Funny how the method of delivery of cannabis makes that much difference to the others when smoking tobacco for the addictive nicotine doesn't put people in this much alarm. They wouldn't have the same objection if I said I smoke tobacco. Strange. But, I will not doubt those patients who seem to get the most benefit from smoking cannabis. There are people in which this is the case. Just please know that it's not the best way to take it for medical purposes.
Cannabis as a medicine is not always smoking it; MANY people don't know this about medical cannabis. There is growing research that smoking cannabis does not have same harm as smoking tobacco, but do understand that people learn new info through building on what they already know.
So, I have to meet them where they are now. If they are strongly opposed to smoking tobacco, then smoking anything else must be bad too. However, there are oils and other ways to consume cannabis which can give different types of relief. Many people try smoking cannabis and because they don't get the relief they seek, they think it doesn't work for them and then give up.
This issue of whether one smokes cannabis or takes it another way does confuse people who are uneducated about the benefits of cannabis. And any opposition group knows this and uses this ignorance for their advantage. They use what are the side effects of smoking anything as their proof that cannabis is bad for you. If I smoked my spinach instead of eating it, it would be just as harmful...because I am smoking it. Just look at any research against cannabis. It most often will state that there can be lung issues or other problems related to smoking it, but they make blanket statements only based on intaking cannabis through smoking and applying to all methods of taking cannabis.
So, once I learned myself that most people who use cannabis medically don't smoke it, I became curious and learned through my own questions. As a medical cannabis consumer, I was searching for solid evidence in how the pain relief I had found could have more potential for my health in general and how it might help my Multiple Sclerosis.
Because cannabis is illegal in most states, the information out there online can be confusing. Much of it is geared towards the recreational consumer who is looking for much more basic info mainly like where to get it. I personally had a hard time getting the right type of info to understand cannabis as a medicine and I was often not sure of the accuracy of what I was reading. The following is a list of the lessons I learned when I had questions as a newbie cannabis oil patient. Hopefully, this saves you some time from doing the searching I had to do:
You may have these same questions:
Because cannabis is illegal in most states, the information out there online can be confusing. Much of it is geared towards the recreational consumer who is looking for much more basic info mainly like where to get it. I personally had a hard time getting the right type of info to understand cannabis as a medicine and I was often not sure of the accuracy of what I was reading. The following is a list of the lessons I learned when I had questions as a newbie cannabis oil patient. Hopefully, this saves you some time from doing the searching I had to do:
You may have these same questions:
Lesson 1. "I think I know what THC is, but what is CBD?"
Now, most people know what THC is...right? That's the stuff in cannabis that makes people high or gives the euphoric feeling recreational consumers are primarily after. THC stands for Tetra-hydro-cannab-in-ol.
It's the reason most people imagine this when you say you believe in medical cannabis.
Instead of this...
I mean, Mylie might be a better adjusted and balanced person in the first photo, not my place to judge, but unfortunately, people see what they want to see. Most often it's negative. Even though I don't like it, I know people generally judge by visual appearances. But, if you can't see past appearances, then you have nothing to stand on when someone judges you by the way you look. THC does give Cannabis a bad reputation, but only for those who are uneducated about it. THC does have a place in medicinal cannabis, though.
CBD is short for Cannabidiol (kan-i-bi-die-ol). They can isolate this compound from any other part of cannabis and it is not psychotropic. Many people get great pain relief from this part of the cannabis plant and don't need any other part of the plant. However, the whole plant should be used for full true medicinal value.
CBD helps with a lot of symptoms like neuropathic pain, spasticity, and tremors for me. These are symptoms of MS that are difficult for doctors to treat with other medications. People say that it has more benefits than I've listed, but I can only speak from my own experience.
There are hundreds of compounds in the cannabis plant. We've only mentioned two of them here. By themselves there are benefits, but together is how they are designed to work best. I've read that THC does have side effects like anxiety, but when CBD is paired with it, the negative side effects are tampered down, and they work on pain more efficiently. I believe there is more potential for whole plant medicines than the isolated chemicals which are promoted more.
I think most people who have never used any cannabis for an illness think that it is the euphoric feeling or high that relieves your pain. It is not for me. The FDA approved opiates and other class drugs the doctors have given me give a euphoric feeling, but they does nothing for the pain. They just make me loopy or give me hallucinations. So, this is why I don't think we should ignore a cannabis compound just because it gives a euphoric feeling. I believe the whole plant is meant to be used as a whole plant.
![Image result for haleighs hope CBD Oil](https://images1.miaminewtimes.com/imager/u/745xauto/8797250/haleighs-hope.jpg)
Lesson 2. Ok, so if you don't smoke or vape it, consuming it in oil or in food seems to be the way. But, why oil or in baked goods?
The chemicals in cannabis like CBD are fat soluble which means they are absorbed best along with fats in our diet and can be stored in the body's fatty tissue. This is why you hear about baked goods with cannabis as a popular delivery method and old school cannabis consumers baked it in brownies. It's the fat in the baked goods that help the cannabis be absorbed into your body. There are vitamins that are fat soluble too like vitamin A, D, E, and K. It's just how our bodies process some things efficiently.
Lesson 3. There are so many places on the Internet that advertise CBD oil, how can I trust what I get is safe to consume, free from harmful chemicals and actually contains CBD oil in the strength I should have?
This is a lesson I continue to explore on my own. It's what led me to ask questions, talk to experts, and join the fight to speak up for legalization. There are so many sources out there that are not safe to consume or are inauthentic leading people to spend hundreds of dollars taking a gamble of what kind of product they will get. I have tried several brands so far, but I have found CW Hemp Everyday Advanced is what works for me the best so far. Haleigh's Hope is another good brand I hear others trust. I don't get any kick backs nor do I sell this product, but I've learned about the product through other cannabis oil patients I trust. I trust the Stanley Brothers story in how when they were asked to make a cannabis oil to help a little girl named Charlotte Figi with Epilepsy, they did and ended up naming the oil after her - Charlotte's Web. Their website shows all the science and purity in their brand. You can see for yourself here. One thing to keep in mind wherever you decide to get CBD oil is to have access to testing stats. If the CBD oil company can provide you with the testing stats for the oil they are selling you, then this is a sign they follow some protocols of efficacy and purity. There are two types of CBD oil, one from Hemp (a close cousin to Cannabis, but not as effective) and CBD oil from the Cannabis plant. At first, I went for the cheapest oil I could find and I didn't know there was any difference. CBD oil is pricey which is one of the downsides. Hopefully, that will change soon.
Lesson 4. CBD oil is claimed to help with everything from headaches to cancer, so how can this be anything but a snake oil?
This is one question I started to wonder until I started to read about the Endocannabinoid System from trusted sources like Dr. Sulak in this explanation. https://healer.com/the-endocannabinoid-system/ It makes a lot of sense how CBD oil can help so many problems because it works at the cellular level with the communication and coordination of our cells. I believe there needs to be more research done because cannabis has more potential than we know currently.
This plant has been demonized for 100 years and used to grow wild in our country. Animals used to eat this plant and the nutritional compounds used to be in our food cycle through us eating the animals. It may be true that our bodies have been insufficient in these specific nutrients and we have diseases we wouldn't have if it was still in our food sources. Something like why without vitamin C we know we can get Scurvy. But, this research cannot be done due to Cannabis being Federally illegal. This particularly upsets me personally since I have a disease they don't really know the cause nor do they have a cure. I might not have MS if it was never illegal.
Lesson 5. If it has wonderful medical benefits, then why does my doctor say it's harmful? Your doctor is against it or doesn't know about it because they don't teach about the Endocannabinoid System in medical schools. The Endocannabinoid System was only barely discovered in 1992, so with Cannabis being illegal, it's not in the curriculum even that it exists. So, your doctor is telling you his/her truth with what he/she knows. He/she is telling you what our government would have us believe for years because the whole reason cannabis is illegal to begin with was only political. There was no research or medical reason to make it illegal. President Nixon needed a way to target certain racial and social groups who were against him. These groups had cannabis in common, so by making Marijuana or Cannabis illegal, he could arrest them when they used it. Nixon was president from '69 to '74 and I just told you that they only began to know anything biologically about cannabis in 1992....so, sounds like the dangers were made up. Opponents to legalizing cannabis today constantly demand research to prove cannabis has benefits, but because it's illegal, the research is blocked. Yet, the research didn't exist in the 1970's and our country was fine to make it illegal without it. Think of the medical advances we've had since the 1970's. Why wouldn't we want to apply those advances to cannabis too?
Lesson 6. You cannot decide if Cannabis works for you on the first try, or even by the fifth try either!
Part of the misinformation out there about medical cannabis is that it doesn't work. If you try CBD oil for health and you try it once or twice, then say it didn't work for you, then you didn't do it right. For some illnesses, it takes a consistent dose over time. This happened to me too. I felt benefits right away the first time, but it did take time to find the dose I needed built up over time. I've heard the Endocannabinoid System works by finding balance in the body. Disease and pain is believed to be an imbalance in the body, so the dose to get it back in balance is different for everybody's biochemistry.
I'm still learning a lot of lessons myself in this journey, so I'll continue to add more here, but here is a list of links I trust that I have found helpful in my curiosity. Please educate yourself.
NORML's mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults, and to serve as an advocate for consumers to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable. NORML's website has boatloads of information on everything cannabis you can imagine including the effects of cannabis on individual illnesses. They have an extensive library of research done already on cannabis as well as current info for each state's laws.
Healer’s mission is to empower people to live life to its fullest in great health. We achieve this through education, advocacy, and research. We offer unmatched expertise in the correct use of medical cannabis, and through the educational programs on this site, provide the tools you need to get the most out of your cannabis therapy. Developed by recognized cannabis expert Dr. Dustin Sulak, these valuable educational programs are based on science and clinical experience that’s successfully helped thousands of patients find relief from chronic pain, anxiety, spasticity and other health challenges.
https://www.projectcbd.org/aboutProject CBD is a non-profit in California created to give a non-biased look at the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids. I look for a lot of my information on websites like this because they are not trying to sell me their product nor are they promoting recreational cannabis. There are a lot of articles on this site for medical cannabis education.
- A great place to learn more about CBD. She is in Canada, so cannabis is all legal for her, but I love the site. It makes me think of her as the Martha Stewart of cannabis.
Tamara Netzel is a blogger who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She writes through voice to text software because MS has taken her ability to type with her fingers on the keyboard. She writes about her journey with MS and finding relief from the pain and everything else MS throws at her. She calls herself Blondwonderwoman as a form of positive self-talk. She says, "If I can't call myself Blondwonderwoman, then what would you have me call myself? Sad, suffering, victim of MS?"
How is it possible that Cannabis treats so many illnesses? Why some people think it's a snake oil...
Click the image below to watch a video about the Endocannabinoid System which was only discovered in 1992 by William Devane and Dr. Lumir Hanus by way of Raphael Mechoulam who discovered THC in 1964.
How does the Endocannabinoid System work?
Click below to learn by hearing from Dr. Ethan Russo
Part 1
Part 2
![Image result for when was endocannabinoid system discovered](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0994/2802/files/endocannabinoid-system-1030x580_1_1024x1024.jpg?16117709142589021165)
When you don't understand, ask questions. When you see an injustice, do something.
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Tamara Netzel testifies in front of Virginia Senate
subcommittee in January, 2018 for cannabis oil
law expansion (Va HB1251). Standing next to
Tamara is Va Senator Siobhan Dunnavant.
by Tamara Netzel
Cannabis in any form was not even on my radar before my hospitalization for my MS immunosuppressant drug causing severe liver injury and chronic pain afterwards. I have two sons who are young adults and did my job as a mom to warn them of dangers of drugs and thought smoking pot was for losers. But, it took a nearly desperate personal need for relief from the pain and trying all the doctors suggested unsuccessfully to be willing to try it. I justified that I was not smoking it and if it was just a snake oil, then at least I could say I tried it. The pain relief is life changing. I don't claim that cannabis in any form is a cure for anything, nor is it right for everybody. I still take FDA approved drugs for my MS, but I have been able to give up 6 medications that all have dangerous side effects. Some of these 6 drugs were to try to help the side effects of another.
Cannabis in any form was not even on my radar before my hospitalization for my MS immunosuppressant drug causing severe liver injury and chronic pain afterwards. I have two sons who are young adults and did my job as a mom to warn them of dangers of drugs and thought smoking pot was for losers. But, it took a nearly desperate personal need for relief from the pain and trying all the doctors suggested unsuccessfully to be willing to try it. I justified that I was not smoking it and if it was just a snake oil, then at least I could say I tried it. The pain relief is life changing. I don't claim that cannabis in any form is a cure for anything, nor is it right for everybody. I still take FDA approved drugs for my MS, but I have been able to give up 6 medications that all have dangerous side effects. Some of these 6 drugs were to try to help the side effects of another.
I've had to start taking another FDA drug for the side effects of another drug that may have triggered Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia and my left vocal cord to be partially paralyzed. This is why there needs to be more research done on cannabis. It may be that one of the other 100 plus chemicals in the plant I do not have access to in a certain ratio would be better than the drug I am taking to help the GPN now, but I don't have the ability to know. It just doesn't make sense to me that something that helps so many people is illegal and can't be researched.
When I joined a group of advocates in Richmond, Va, I knew I wanted to help any way that I could and really thought that would mean passing out pamphlets or something. I didn't know I would be asked to speak in front of legislators that day, but I surprised even myself. I was not nervous at all. When Beth Collins asked me literally as we were walking to lunch that day if I would speak, I said yes. Then, she asked if I was sure. I confidently said, "I got this! I was a teacher for 16 years" while I was screaming in my mind, "Nooo! What did you just do?" Nevertheless, I pulled it off because all I had to do was tell my story. That was easy. They must have liked what I said, because the advocate group asked me to come back and speak to the House of Delegates.
When I joined a group of advocates in Richmond, Va, I knew I wanted to help any way that I could and really thought that would mean passing out pamphlets or something. I didn't know I would be asked to speak in front of legislators that day, but I surprised even myself. I was not nervous at all. When Beth Collins asked me literally as we were walking to lunch that day if I would speak, I said yes. Then, she asked if I was sure. I confidently said, "I got this! I was a teacher for 16 years" while I was screaming in my mind, "Nooo! What did you just do?" Nevertheless, I pulled it off because all I had to do was tell my story. That was easy. They must have liked what I said, because the advocate group asked me to come back and speak to the House of Delegates.
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Medical cannabis advocates working in Richmond, Va. - L to R: Karen Baker, Teresa Brogan, Me - Tamara Netzel, Beth Collins, Lisa Smith, Jennifer Collins. Front row: Haley Smith |
To my amazement, this led to my being asked to join the advocate group in a follow up episode of Dateline on NBC documenting our journey to expanding the Virginia law from cannabis oils for Epilepsy patients to all other illnesses with permission from their doctor that would include MS.
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Standing with advocacy group in the balcony of the Virginia General Assembly when HB1251 was unanimously voted in favor. |
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The crew from NBC visited my home in February, 2018 to tape the interview with Harry Smith. |
How I Relate to Superheroes Because of My MS
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Me and The Fearless Girl statue in New York City |
published on themighty.com October 2017
I didn’t know it at the time, but four years ago, I was given superpowers. Like most
superheroes, I continue to learn about my powers and how to use them for good.
Sounds cliche, but hear me out please.
Sounds cliche, but hear me out please.
I have multiple sclerosis (MS) and many of my symptoms are invisible to others which
makes it that much harder for people to understand my illness. Superheroes are often
misunderstood individuals. Often they are somewhat outcasts of society. Yet, rather
than become bitter by how others treat them, their thoughts evolve into armor or a
shield to see life in a different way in which others aren’t capable of seeing.
makes it that much harder for people to understand my illness. Superheroes are often
misunderstood individuals. Often they are somewhat outcasts of society. Yet, rather
than become bitter by how others treat them, their thoughts evolve into armor or a
shield to see life in a different way in which others aren’t capable of seeing.
This has happened to me after my diagnosis of MS. It started three years prior to my
diagnosis when I woke up with the entire room spinning around me and I walked around
feeling drunk for two weeks after. Then I lost sight in my right eye temporarily for another
two weeks. The doctors could not tell me why it was happening. So, I began learning my
superpower of faking well. This became my secret identity like Superman has Clark Kent,
or Wonder Woman has Major Diana Prince in the U.S. Army.
diagnosis when I woke up with the entire room spinning around me and I walked around
feeling drunk for two weeks after. Then I lost sight in my right eye temporarily for another
two weeks. The doctors could not tell me why it was happening. So, I began learning my
superpower of faking well. This became my secret identity like Superman has Clark Kent,
or Wonder Woman has Major Diana Prince in the U.S. Army.
I pretended to be well because the test results said I was well, so it must be true. I believed
the power must be mine then to be well. “Push through the pain and be tough like ‘normal’
people do,” I would tell myself. I switch to my secret identity all the time as I insist on living
happy and enjoying life when I’m able.
the power must be mine then to be well. “Push through the pain and be tough like ‘normal’
people do,” I would tell myself. I switch to my secret identity all the time as I insist on living
happy and enjoying life when I’m able.
People see me smile and doubt my illness. People also look at Superman and Wonder
Woman and for some reason don’t believe they are Clark Kent and Diana Prince, and vice
versa. How can they be both? Why don’t they just stay as superheroes?
Woman and for some reason don’t believe they are Clark Kent and Diana Prince, and vice
versa. How can they be both? Why don’t they just stay as superheroes?
They need a break and they have to protect themselves from the bad guys by laying low and
saving energy for when it counts. Me too! I’m not that strong all the time. I need breaks from
trying to look well. Wonder Woman can’t have superhuman strength, speed, and durability all
the time either. She and I both get weak from fighting so hard. I hide out quietly after being
Wonder Woman for a while by being like Diana. I can’t stay as Diana too long either. If I didn’t
choose to be positive and happy sometimes, then I’d have to be a supervillain blaming all my
problems on others and punishing the world.
saving energy for when it counts. Me too! I’m not that strong all the time. I need breaks from
trying to look well. Wonder Woman can’t have superhuman strength, speed, and durability all
the time either. She and I both get weak from fighting so hard. I hide out quietly after being
Wonder Woman for a while by being like Diana. I can’t stay as Diana too long either. If I didn’t
choose to be positive and happy sometimes, then I’d have to be a supervillain blaming all my
problems on others and punishing the world.
When I finally got my diagnosis after three years, I thought that would be the breakthrough
and now I could drop the act. Now everyone would see I am not making it up, finally accept
me, and help me. Not true. I still have to fight for the help and acceptance I need to want to
feel good. Superheroes experience this as well. They can’t help wanting peace, happiness,
and equality, yet continue to be misunderstood by others. People start to doubt their intentions
for looking so good in their tights, cape, and bracelets and tiara in Wonder Woman’s case.
How dare she look good! Superhero stories often show that their struggles to be understood
give them intellect and courage to cope with the persistence of the bad guys.
and now I could drop the act. Now everyone would see I am not making it up, finally accept
me, and help me. Not true. I still have to fight for the help and acceptance I need to want to
feel good. Superheroes experience this as well. They can’t help wanting peace, happiness,
and equality, yet continue to be misunderstood by others. People start to doubt their intentions
for looking so good in their tights, cape, and bracelets and tiara in Wonder Woman’s case.
How dare she look good! Superhero stories often show that their struggles to be understood
give them intellect and courage to cope with the persistence of the bad guys.
I put my superhuman courage to use, just like Wonder Woman when I was overcome by
embarrassment the first time I needed to use a cane in public. The fear of judgement or pity
made me feel like I was wearing my tights and underwear like a superhero and getting stared
at as some “weirdo.” Eventually, I would use that cane with pride like a cape of power. But I
didn’t do it without the help of a friend.
embarrassment the first time I needed to use a cane in public. The fear of judgement or pity
made me feel like I was wearing my tights and underwear like a superhero and getting stared
at as some “weirdo.” Eventually, I would use that cane with pride like a cape of power. But I
didn’t do it without the help of a friend.
Like all superheroes, I had people placed in my life, my vigilantes, like Wonder Woman has
her Amazon advisors to give courage to keep going. This allowed me to have the perspective
others lack to focus on the few things in life that really matter. It’s funny how I used to worry
about the silliest things. I rarely worry now. Superheroes don’t worry. They jump into action
and do what is needed to survive, as I do.
her Amazon advisors to give courage to keep going. This allowed me to have the perspective
others lack to focus on the few things in life that really matter. It’s funny how I used to worry
about the silliest things. I rarely worry now. Superheroes don’t worry. They jump into action
and do what is needed to survive, as I do.
Superheroes have weaknesses like Superman has Kryptonite. Extreme heat or cold, physical
or mental stress, lack of sleep are all on my Kryptonite list. Wonder Woman’s bracelets reveal
her weakness by their original name, “bracelets of submission,” which relates to the idea that
her and her Amazon friends were once oppressed in a man’s world before moving to Paradise
island. I won’t submit to anyone’s idea of what a person with a disability should look like.
or mental stress, lack of sleep are all on my Kryptonite list. Wonder Woman’s bracelets reveal
her weakness by their original name, “bracelets of submission,” which relates to the idea that
her and her Amazon friends were once oppressed in a man’s world before moving to Paradise
island. I won’t submit to anyone’s idea of what a person with a disability should look like.
MS continues to throw new plot twists at me like with the medication I was on. I was taking a
medication for three years and it suddenly caused my liver to start failing this past March.
Then, I think this event triggered my intermittent hand pain symptom to now be constant. The
doctors didn’t understand why I wasn’t satisfied when the tests showed no evidence of my MS
getting worse. Medical tests rarely back up anything I’m feeling, so I don’t really take them
very serious. Wonder Woman doesn’t listen to those around her saying everything is safe.
No, she knows there are still bad guys working on their next plan to finish her, like my pain
is trying to finish me.
medication for three years and it suddenly caused my liver to start failing this past March.
Then, I think this event triggered my intermittent hand pain symptom to now be constant. The
doctors didn’t understand why I wasn’t satisfied when the tests showed no evidence of my MS
getting worse. Medical tests rarely back up anything I’m feeling, so I don’t really take them
very serious. Wonder Woman doesn’t listen to those around her saying everything is safe.
No, she knows there are still bad guys working on their next plan to finish her, like my pain
is trying to finish me.
I’m sure there are so many more comparisons I could make with people like me with MS and
superheroes. But, one I often think about is how our illnesses force others to be real with us.
Like many others, I feel it when people make gestures to avoid me to save themselves from
awkwardness. They are polite in public, but avoid getting too close maybe because my
awkwardness makes them think of their own weaknesses or something. It’s like Wonder
Woman’s Lasso of Truth. We are looking to see how people are going to behave around us,
forcing them to show their true character.
superheroes. But, one I often think about is how our illnesses force others to be real with us.
Like many others, I feel it when people make gestures to avoid me to save themselves from
awkwardness. They are polite in public, but avoid getting too close maybe because my
awkwardness makes them think of their own weaknesses or something. It’s like Wonder
Woman’s Lasso of Truth. We are looking to see how people are going to behave around us,
forcing them to show their true character.
Are you going to let me blend in like Diana and fit in to the crowd? Or are you gonna make
us bring out our superpowers to fight for our needs? In that case, I will be like Wonder
Woman because I will make you wonder about me and my superpower, as I live a happy
life with my invisible jet and boomerang tiara, without you on my Paradise Island – which
you’ve been banished from.
us bring out our superpowers to fight for our needs? In that case, I will be like Wonder
Woman because I will make you wonder about me and my superpower, as I live a happy
life with my invisible jet and boomerang tiara, without you on my Paradise Island – which
you’ve been banished from.
You’ve never seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room, have you? I’m just saying…It
could be true.
could be true.
WTVR.COM CBS 6 Richmond:
Virginia mother with M.S. says cannabis oil helps: ‘It worked like nothing else’
Richmond Times Dispatch:
No, Virginia didn't legalize medical marijuana. But supporters say the state is going 'surprisingly far' with cannabis oils
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